Join the Resistance!
While I have been been working to finalize Lookaway Dogs for publication (among a million other things — 999,999 of them Toddler-related), the Kindle All-Stars Machine has been grinding tirelessly towards the launch of the first Kindle All-Stars anthology, Resistance Front. Not only am I honored to have a short story and an essay included in this project (squee!), but I am doubly honored to be working with such amazing, talented, and incredibly hard-working people…all of them volunteers.
I received the manuscript yesterday for proofreading, and it is awesome! Readers will definitely get their money’s worth: 32 stories for $.99. And all profits go to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. I am very excited…
…but I am trying to stay focused. I am doing my damnest to get Lookaway Dogs live by the end of the week. In the meantime, if you’re feening for some great fiction and want a sneak peek ahead of the crowd, I hope you will consider becoming an advance reader for Resistance Front. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance, guys! I hope this posting finds you well. Stayed tuned. The next couple of weeks should prove to be pretty busy around here…which reminds me…who’s doing NaNoWriMo this year?
How Can You Join The Resistance?
If you are interested in receiving an Advance Reader Copy of Resistance Front, please email Laurie Laliberte at KindleAllStars@gmail.com so she can put your email on file.
**Your email will NOT be shared. Furthermore, it will be used for this one purpose and discarded. You will NOT be flooded with spam.**
Here are the basics:
1. When we are ready to share it (within the next 2 weeks), the ARC will be sent to you in .doc format.
2. We’re asking you to read it and pre-write a review (more on that in a minute).
3. On the day the book goes live on Amazon, we will send out emails, tweets (with the hashtag #ResistanceFront), and post to facebook to alert everyone involved. We would like you to purchase the book for 99 cents on Amazon and post your review.
If you’ve pre-written it, you’ll just need to copy and paste.
After Amazon’s fee, the remainder of your 99 cents goes directly to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
The book should be live during the last week of November or the first week of December. When concrete dates are available, they will be posted here.
Then you’re done. Your purchase on Amazon is like any other ebook, in .mobi format, readable on any Kindle device.
If you have any questions not answered here, please direct them to Laurie at the email address above.