Sometimes the best way to return from a long absence is to simply return.  And so here I am.  I’ve missed you guys.

It is 3:34 a.m. as I write this.  I just got home a little while ago.  Fat Cat is home on leave, so while he and our little one slept peacefully tonight, I sat in the middle of a crowded movie theater and watched the final installment of Harry Potter in 3D.

I thought I would cry more.  I thought I would rise to my feet as the credits scrolled up the screen in sadness, for certain had I traveled a dark and perilous road with these characters — these people — who have somehow become my family…and here we are at the end.

But it is a large family.  And family is the absolute right word, for the mood in the theater was one of celebration, a family reunion.  There was a beach ball with Professor Snape’s face volleyed up and down the stadium rows.  There were shouts of “Muggle!” and “Wingardium Leviosa!” When the bad guys were killed, people cheered and screamed!  When the good guys fell, in the hushed stillness of held breaths and watery eyes, you could hear sniffles.

Some of those sniffles were mine, yes.  But when the end did come and I stood to leave, instead of feeling sad, I felt buoyant with joy.  Why?

Because all of this, everything, the books, the movies, the outrageous merchandising, the countless millions of fan art and fan fiction, the amusement park, all the jobs created…the immeasurable hours spent by people reading it, sinking themselves into this other dimension of wonderment, the children inspired by it…all of it…all of it was because of a writer.  And I am a writer.

It always does one good to be reminded just how deep the sky is.

As my friend and I walked down the street away from the theater, he wondered out loud, as he has many times before, whether we would ever see the likes of a literary cultural phenomenon like Harry Potter again.

And I thought of all of you wonderful writers out there, drilling away the hours in front of the computer, stealing time from your family, your household, your boss, just to get the story down.

“Of course,” I told my friend.  “And I can’t wait to see who’s next.”

Posted in: Uncategorized


  1. says:

    Me either! I’ll be saying goodbye on Sunday. I can barely wait for that either.

    Glad to be getting email from you now! It looks really good! (And glad that your man’s home with you two for a while. Sigh!)

    • ange6934 says:

      We went to the 3D version, and I have to say, I was not disappointed. Very surreal experience. All the trailers were in 3D too. Amazing. Can’t wait to hear how you liked it.

      And thank you! I’m glad the email’s working out. And yes, I have been enjoying having Fat Cat at home. Monday morning he heads out to his new assignment in New York. It’s gonna be a looong drive from Southern California. Hopefully we’ll hear soon whether we get to come out and join him, or whether we’ll stay here. It’s tough, this military thing. Sigh.

  2. skyraftwanderer says:

    It’s really great to see you updating again. Honestly I’ve really missed it.

    Wish I had something more than that to say, but I really don’t. Just great to see another blog post.

    • ange6934 says:

      Wow, thank you! Man, it’s funny…I think of all you guys as my friends…with odd names. 🙂 Every time I think of you, my poet friend Sky Raft Wanderer, I have this surreal image of a raft sailing between cirrus clouds and a bright yellow moon. What I mean to say is I’ve missed you guys too. Been mad busy…but I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone’s blogs. How have you been? I hope well. I am writing, writing, writing…but I’m back, baby!

  3. Kellie says:

    All my confidence is in you and Dahazee to be the world’s next great writers. The thought of that makes me giddy all over again.

  4. Marian says:

    I haven’t read any of Rowling’s books….at least, not yet 😉 But I’m excited what other new writing phenomenon to come. And I’m in total agreement with Kellie! 🙂

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