Chris Tannenbaum is having a hell of a life. His vindictive wife is determined to make him pay for his affair, his girlfriend is determined to make him commit, and now his mother has been arrested for aggravated assault with a vehicle.
Eager for a chance to get out of L.A. for a few days, he escapes to the California desert to bail his mother out of jail, but discovers that she’s been up to more than just aggravated assault.
What the hell was she doing with all that cat food?
Want to find out what’s going on out there in the desert? Sign up for my newsletter below, and I’ll send you your free copy of my short story The Cat Lady (available in PDF, ePUB, or .mobi/Kindle).
Sounds like a page turner! Out of curiosity, will there ever be a dog lady story?
Thank you, Sonja. And yes, yes, I think there just might be a dog lady story somewhere around here… 😉