"Fuzzy Logic - Goals" by Kyrelimit -

So I’m more than halfway done with the novel, I’ve got one class left in my creative writing class, and the year is coming to a close.  I’ve learned so much in the past couple months that I have to break them up into separate posts.

But today I thought I’d simply post my goals for this month.  I’ve done this in the past with varying degrees of success.  But I feel confident enough — and driven enough — to post my goals for this month.

The first is easy enough.  I’m finishing the book I started last month.  It’s coming along.  It’s almost like a souffle.  I don’t want to say it too loud for fear I’ll deflate it.  But I’m trucking along, and I hope to finish it before Christmas.

The second one is one I’ve been talking about forever it seems.  But I will finish the revisions of my scifi novella and put together the graphic novel proposal for my brother, the fabulous artist, to read and consider.

Finally, I’d like to get a couple of new short stories written.  I was surprised at how many short stories I was able to write last month while NaNoWriMo was going on, and I want to keep up the momentum…though at some point I’ll have to start revising and submitting.

So I’ll add that in.  I will submit for publication at least two pieces.

There ya go.  Feel free to publicly flog me if I goof off and wander off track.  And I would love to hear other people’s goals.  I know you’re out there, plugging away industriously.

I’ll be posting more stuff on the creative writing process as I go along, as well as some humor pieces I’ve been working on.  Gotta change it up a bit here and there.

Anyway, pardon my brevity.  I gotta get back to the novel.  This is NaNoWriMo Part 2. <G>

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