Welcome to 2011! How was your holiday season? Hectic? Mine, too. But here we all are still standing, hangovers mostly hung. Dat’s nice.
How did you enjoy the Lame Duck Days¹ of 2010? I enjoyed mine very much, thank you for asking. I had a great blog post half-drafted regarding the Lame Duck Days; however, I kept getting interrupted so now it’s a lame duck post. Sorry about that. Maybe next year I’ll share my lame duck thoughts, but for now it is a new year and I am feeling crazy like a fox!
Lots to do, lots to share, lots to write. I have some changes planned for the blog that I’ll talk about here in the next few days, but for today, just two small bits of insanity².
Impulsive and rash I may be, but I have committed to participate in the Write1Sub1 Weekly Challenge inspired by the zestful Ray Bradbury, as well as The Daily Post Challenge hosted by WordPress.com.
What this means is I am committed to writing and submitting a short piece of fiction each week, as well as posting to the blog every day.
Huh. I thought I heard laughter.
Anyway, what crazy shenanigans are you guys up to, I wonder?
¹ The time period between Christmas and New Year’s Eve marked by a profound sense of relief.
² In case you’re interested, insanity tastes like lots of coffee. Isn’t that crazy?