C.J. Cherryh is probably the first “adult” author I ever read. When I was in grade school, maybe 5th grade, my dad used to take me down to “The Bookstall,” in Lawton, Oklahoma. It was this tiny little used bookstore crammed into a strip mall where you could trade in books for credit and pick up new ones.
When I laid eyes on the cover of “The Book of Morgaine” by C.J. Cherryh (a hardback consolidation of three novels: “Gate of Ivrel,” “Well of Shiuan,” and “Fires of Azeroth), I just knew I had to have it. It depicts a warrior woman galloping on a white horse, shock of snowy hair streaming in the wind. This book affected me in ways I can’t even articulate. It opened up wormholes in my imagination. It’s definitely what turned me on to science fiction, and I still have it, beaten and love-worn, on my desk. I’m thinking it’s time to reread it.
As you can imagine, I was thrilled to come across a flash fiction piece by C.J. Cherryh, and it’s really lovely. I also noodled around a couple of new-to-me markets, and then returned to the convenient bite-sized fare of “Every Day Fiction.”
Next week I’ve got my eye on an Orson Scott Card short story over at Lightspeed, as well as a few others. But before I get ahead of myself, here’s this week’s reading list:
29. “The Last Tower” by C.J. Cherryh (Abyss & Apex)
30. “Dancing Lessons” by Aaron Polson (Basement Stories)
31. “Grave Digger” by Tara Fouts (Dark Wine and Stars)
32. “Valentino, Not” by James C.G. Shirk (Every Day Fiction)
33. “The Art of Opening An Oyster” by Sierra B. Ryan (Every Day Fiction)