This past week has been difficult for me timewise.  At least it’s felt that way.  I’ll know for sure when I add up the numbers from the old work log.  Therefore and forthwith, tonight I turn to my current go-to site for short short fiction.  Next Sunday should be more meaty (in terms of lengths of stories read) as I’ve just picked up the latest copy of the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. (Yay.)

46.  “Mother of the Boy” by Melinda Jones (Every Day Fiction)

I thought this was a nice piece about the contradictions of motherhood, how hard moms love their children, even when it’s difficult.  And I have to add, the author’s blog is an absolute delight!  A bonus!

47.  “It’s Not Me, It’s You” by Anisha Sridhar (Every Day Fiction)

Sort of a confessional story that speaks plainly of the uncomfortable truths of the protagonist’s intimate relationship with her husband.  I thought the fish-out-of-water cultural aspect of it fit in nicely with the misunderstandings and miscommunications going on between the couple.  Not a happy story though.

48.  “God Machine” by Ajit Dhillon (Every Day Fiction)

With a title like that, it’s hard for me to resist.  Add in a mysterious box with a handle, and I’m there!  And although I appreciate the sentiment underlying the story, I must admit I found it hard to believe the jaded wisdom that comes from the mouths of babes.  Even so, nicely written.

49.  “Breakfast For Two” by Rumjhum Biswas (Every Day Fiction)

A nicely written story — as they all seem to be in Every Day Fiction — though it runs along the same disillusioned tone as “It’s Not Me, It’s You.”  I have to be honest, although it’s a nice story, I don’t think I’m the audience for this type of fiction.  I think it’s because I like to read adventure and aliens and holy-crap-that’s-so-cool-what-is-it story lines as opposed to real-life style examination.  But don’t be dissuaded from judging for yourself.  It is a lovely story and worthy of a read.

50.  “Grisly” by Gretchen Bassier (Every Day Fiction)

Yay!  My flash fiction pick of the week!  Me loves to be surprised!

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