I put in 33 hours on the computer this week, and managed to hardly write any fiction.  Boggling.  Well, that’s not exactly true.  I spent one night binge-writing a short story.  I spent another night photographing dinosaurs and trying not to burn down the house.  According to Ye Olde Captain’s Log, I spent the rest of the time working on the blog and doing market research.

I didn’t waste very much time, and yet, I don’t feel as productive as I’d like.  For 33 hours, I’d like to see at least two short stories and an edit…enough to justify the current condition of the kitchen.

Unfortunately, I am still struggling with toddler sleep issues…although tonight I had to put my foot down and simply willed her to sleep.  After only an hour and a half, she succumbed to my awesome mind control.  Sigh.  I think I’m just going to have to clear three days next week where we go nowhere and just focus on setting a schedule and teaching her to sleep on her own Super-Nanny style.  I am not looking forward to it, but it needs to be done.  Earlier this week, I spent four hours battling this kid to bed.  Me no likey.  🙁

In other news, the one short story I had out to The Pedestal Magazine has come home to roost.  But I am encouraged not only because the rejection included the sentence, “Please feel free to submit other work to us in the future” — which I will, thanks! — but because I had not one hurt feeling about it.  I love this particular story, and I believe in it.  But I can dig that it might not be a good fit for a particular market.  Just need to send it out again.

Check it out.  This is me showing signs of epidermis ossification.  How do you like my alligator skin suit? 🙂

Anyway, I’ve decided to start including my “best” stats in the Captain’s Log in an effort to motivate myself to beat my own records.  Feel free to give me your stats to shame me encourage me to work harder. 🙂

  • Best Daily Word Count (fiction only):  3,915 (February 27, 2011)
  • Best Weekly Word Count (fiction only):  12,787 (January 3-9, 2010)
  • Best Weekly Work Hours:  33 (February 27 through March 4, 2011)
Posted in: Uncategorized

0 thoughts on “CAPTAIN’S LOG

  1. sparksinshadow says:

    I love your new alligator skin! I’m jealous though because I have a story out to a contest and probably have six weeks or so to go before I hear back, and I will probably cry when I do. I hope I worked hard enough and dealt with my “show not tell” issues, and well, you know. I hope I was brilliant. I hope I win, but I’m prepared to not win. I’m a tough cookie — I wouldn’t still be plugging away if I wasn’t, but I’m not tough enough not to cry. I wish you luck with your story, and I’m glad you know that it just wasn’t right for them.

    • mybluescreen says:

      LOL! Thanks! Believe me, it’s taken me a long time to get this skin…I actually grew it myself (which probably means I need to moisturize more). But I think you’re well on your way because you’re actually submitting your stuff. Do you know how many writers are out there who never send their stuff out? They’re just too afraid. So regardless of the outcome of the contest — though I hope you win! — I think you get major points for sending it in in the first place. 🙂

  2. Kathryn McCullough says:

    I think you’re doing damn well–regardless of the kitchen. Let’s put it this way, you’re doing way better than me—but then I’m trying to move home from Haiti–not an easy task. In the bigger scheme of things, however, a toddler would be way more daunting to me than the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. In other words, toddler are tough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’ll send words soon.

    Hugs from Haiti,

    • mybluescreen says:

      Thank you, Kathy. I really appreciate the vote of confidence. I’m trying. I think I spotting the “ground floor” of my kitchen sink yesterday…for a nanosecond. 🙂 And yes, toddlers really add to the challenge…even if it’s only one little one. When are you moving back to the States? Are you excited? I hope it goes smoothly for you guys.

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