My good friend Marian comes over on occasional Friday nights, after the Toddler is tucked away, and we try new and cheap wines she selects based entirely on how pretty they are, and we eat crappy-for-us food.  Always, always good times.

Tonight’s selection, a Chardonnay, produced this quote of the week:  “Two gigs of space?  Please!  I scratch my ass with your two gigs of space!”

(I won’t say who actually said that, but it wudn’t me.)

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4 thoughts on “FRIDAY NIGHT VINO

  1. Marian says:

    LOL *hugs* I <3 you Angie!! *feels all gooey and warm and inside 'cause her friend appreciates her strange quirky phrases*

    • ange6934 says:

      *hugs and smooches!* I’ve been saying it all week. “Hmph. I scratch my ass with that!”

  2. says:

    Fun stuff indeed! Good friends are a treasure. 🙂

    I dropped by to offer more words: 3,709. I don’t know if there’ll be more before Saturday, but if there are, I’ll get the count to you. Live long and prosper.

    • ange6934 says:

      I’m not entirely sure how it happened, but I am wealthy with good friends…and very grateful. And that’s not the vino talking. 🙂

      And thank you, thank you, thank you for the word count! I finally counted up everything. We’re at 82,185! We’re gonna make it, methinks!

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