You can't tell from this picture, but Dada Dinosaur is wagging his tail nubby over word count progress.
…from terminal boredom. Puh-lease! I beg of you. They just keep moping over my shoulder, bugging me about the party. They’re dying for a party, guys…hell, they deserve one. They’ve been practicing tricks, double-checking their inventory and supplies, and revising their guest list depending on the fair weather of squabbling, office-ridden friends.
You can’t blame them for feeling restless. The last time I updated Ye Olde Pile ‘O Words, we were at 28,151. That was in mid-March. Tonight it took the better part of an hour to track down and add up my words since then, but it was worth it. Including fiction, blog posts, and work papers, I have a grand total of 48,798. Whew!
On top of that, the awesome Derek of apparentbook has contributed an additional 1,527 words, and Ré of Sparks In Shadow has thrown down a hefty 3,709 words.
What this means, ladies and jellybeans, is that we are sitting at 82,185 words. We’ve got five days left to reach 100,000 words. That’s 17,815 words. A measly 17,815 words stand between us and a ridiculous, over-the-top, definitely silly dinosaur party.
So tally them up and send them in, Fellow Writer Peeps! Help save the dinosaurs from boredom…they beg you. Let’s give them an excuse to party like it’s W.B.C. 1999 (waaaay before Christ)!
Aghh!!!! It is crazy writing time! I am on this….my goal: another 3000+ by Friday.
BTW – I will add to my tally all of the reviews of other people’s fiction I have been doing lately…and…add… wait for it…..
2,843 words!!!!
Oh, yeah! We have Awesome right here with a capital A! That brings us up to 85,028. Wow! You rock, Derek! Thank you! The way you’re going, I think you’ve got up to 90K covered for us. I’ll start working on the last bit. 🙂