Hey, there!  Please, please, please forgive me for silence on my part.  Suffice it to say, I am not dead…merely extremely sleep-deprived.  I will explain later.

But for now…I present to you the awesome, stupendous workspace of my good friend Jeff, a fellow writer of all things noir, gritty, and action-packed.  He is also a full-fledged member of the Third Ninja Omniscient Clan.  I bow to him and his crazy-amazing workspace.  If he puts in a fridge and a chamber pot, he’d never have to move.

Anyway, please to enjoy!

Posted in: Uncategorized


    • mybluescreen says:

      Thanks, Kathy! I’m glad I’m not dead either. I’ve got so much work to do. 😉 I love Jeff’s space too. I had no idea it was that awesome. I’ll pass on the compliments. (Gotta get this boy to make a web presence so I can link him.) 🙂

  1. Heather says:

    One of these days, when I clean my room the rest of the way and get my computer in it, I totally want to be featured in this whole “Workspace Wednesday” thing. It will be inspiration and encouragement for me to clean my room, AND it will be the drive to keep it that way.

    I am excited. 😀

    • mybluescreen says:

      Yes, I would really love that! I’ve been trying to get my own act together for one of the Wednesdays, but it’s a mess. In the midst of a writing project, so it hasn’t really been improving so much as getting shifted around…the junk, that is. Anytime you’re ready, lemme know. 🙂

  2. MariantheDuke says:

    While I don’t have the three screens, I do, however, have a laptop, an impressive PC (quad core, top of the line graphics card, and KILLER HD screen), I’m soon fixing my old tower HP (still has WinXP on it–haha), and a printer that prints in DUPLEX (two sided printing is freaking AWESOME!). I feel the sudden urge to take an epic pic of my own lol
    (and I am MORE THAN GLAD you’re not dead ;)).

    • mybluescreen says:

      Yes, please! Whenever you’re ready, girl! The more Wednesday features I get, the longer I can put off cleaning up my own space. 😉

      • Heather says:

        You’re sneaky, sneaky. ;P We could see who finishes cleaning first! Although mine is also including re-modeling/re-decorating. LOL

        • mybluescreen says:

          I don’t know what you mean. 😉 But you’re remodeling and redecorating? How fun. I can’t wait to see it. 🙂

  3. sparksinshadow says:

    I hope you’re sleeping soon. I just had my first decent night’s sleep in so long, and must have looked so awful, that yesterday the guy checking out my groceries voiced his concern about my health! Anyway, despite the sleeplessness I’ve gotten some words down, too. 2,337. I hope I can offer more by the end of the month!

    • mybluescreen says:

      Thank you. My body stepped in and shut down the master controls (against my will, I must emphasize) for the last two nights, so I woke up grumpy with large chunks of time spent sleeping and not working, but not as grumpy as I am with meager amounts of sleep. I hope you’re sleeping too. Glad to hear you’re writing though. I am off to add your sizable contribution to the pile. 🙂 This brings us to 17,858 words! Rawr!

  4. skyraftwanderer says:


    Both in the sense that it is really cool, and it looks very clean. Also, I could do with some good sleep as well, but I write better at night time so I dunno when that might happen.

    Anyhoo, its pretty great that you are alive, with a super awesome new workspace. Jeff and his skills are awesomely fantastic.

    • mybluescreen says:

      Thank you. I’m glad I’m alive too. 🙂

      Yes, Jeff’s the bomb…with skills. I am envious of how uncluttered his workspace is. I had no idea he was so meticulous…though he did run a pretty clean kitchen back when we worked together at the bar. I want to share my workspace too, but until I can get the EPA in here to sign off on any clean-up efforts, I have to hold off. 😉

      Anyway, hope you’re getting in some sleep and word counts, best of both worlds, yes?

      • skyraftwanderer says:

        Yeah, I am balancing them both better now.

        Also, this is completely random but after re – reading the title of this blog post, I can’t help imagining it as part of a TV show, “And now, over to Workspace Wednesdays!”.

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